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Causes of Colorado Truck Accidents

Over the past two decades, the number of truck accidents has increased by 20 percent. According to the Federal Motor carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in 2009, 3,380 individuals died and 74,000 people were injured in crashes that involved a large truck. Of those injured, 25 percent were truck drivers or passengers and the other 75 percent were occupants of the passenger vehicles.

Even though large trucks are only responsible for just 3 percent of injury-causing motor vehicle accidents, trucking accidents typically cause much greater harm than ordinary traffic accidents due to the large size and heavy weight of most trucks. Since truckers often drive for several hours at a time, they have a responsibility to other vehicles on the road to maintain awareness and drive safely. If they don’t, they’re putting their lives at risk—and yours. Understanding the common reasons for trucking accidents, and the relationships among the persons and entities connected to the truck, the trailer, and the load, will help you determine whether you have a valid claim and how you will present your case. Under current federal law, any company owning a trucking permit is responsible for all accidents involving a truck that has its placard or name displayed on the vehicle. It doesn’t matter what the lease says between the owner/operator and the company or whether the driver is an employee or independent contractor. If you have been injured in a truck accident because of another person’s negligent actions, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and more. The Colorado truck accident lawyers at McDivitt Law Firm know what to expect from truck accident cases and can walk you through the legal process. Call us toll free today at (877) 846-4878 for a free consultation or click here a for an initial consultation form —it only takes a few minutes. Our Colorado truck accident lawyers are ready to fight for the money you’re owed.

Complexity of crash causes

The DOT did a detailed study called “The Large Truck Crash Causation Study” to analyze truck crashes occurring between 2001 and 2003. The events that led to crashes included the following:

Other Causes Include:

Drug use

Drivers may not use any controlled substances, unless prescribed by a licensed physician who is familiar with the driver’s medical history and assigned duties and has determined that the drug use will not adversely affect the driver’s ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle.