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Learn About our Educational Initiatives

In our Schools

Education is one of the most important initiatives for “McDivitt Makes a Difference”, and our firm does its best to seek out areas where our dollars, our time and our efforts will go far.

Setting students up for success

Each year, since 2012, McDivitt Law Firm has donated all needed school supplies and backpacks to the kindergarteners at Centennial Elementary in Colorado Springs. “This is one of the most rewarding things we do as a firm,” says Karen McDivitt, President of McDivitt Law Firm. “We hope to give these students the support and help they need to start their education off right.”

In addition to the donation of the supplies at the beginning of the year, the McDivitts stay involved with the classes throughout the school year. David McDivitt has story time with the students, and attends class events such as special lunches and field trips.

McDivitt’s PSA contest

Another way McDivitt brings safety education to students throughout Colorado is with its own state-wide PSA contest. This annual competition challenges high school students to create a 30-second message about safe driving. It’s a way for teens to relate to their peers, think critically about what it means to drive safely, and get their message out to other Colorado teens.

The winner of McDivitt’s PSA Contest will receive either a MacBook Pro with editing software, or a $1,500 gift card, and the PSA will be aired on TV throughout the state. For more information about entering this year’s contest, please click here.

Drive Smart Colorado

Each year, McDivitt Law Firm sponsors a portion of the Drive Smart Colorado High School Traffic Safety Challenge. Students who participate in the challenge are encouraged to bring safety education to their peers in a number of different ways – from assemblies focused on dangers of texting and driving, to seat-belt awareness campaigns. McDivitt Makes a Difference sponsors the video public service announcement portion of the competition, and airs the winning PSA on local television stations. For more information about this contest, please click here.

High school internship

McDivitt Law Firm is proud to offer a non-paid internship program to one high school student and one college student each summer. Interns participate in a rigorous training program, which includes hands-on experience with seasoned legal professionals. Participating students are selected based on interest and merit. Find more information here.

College internship

Learn more about our UCCS College Internship here.

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