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Top 5 Blogs on for 2015

We can’t believe that 2015 is almost at an end. It was such a busy year here at McDivitt Law Firm and we thought it…

We can’t believe that 2015 is almost at an end. It was such a busy year here at McDivitt Law Firm and we thought it would be great to put together a list of our top read community, lifestyle and safety blogs for the year. These blogs cover a multitude of areas including mass torts, ridesharing, bicycles, and a poetry slam. We hope you find these blogs helpful, enlightening, and in some cases, inspirational.

  1. High School Students Use Poetry to Highlight Dangers of Distracted Driving

1Public Service Announcements, billboards, and bracelets have all been used to encourage drivers to stop looking at their cell phones. But five Manitou Springs High School students are using a different approach: they wrote a slam poem to get the message across. Read More →


  1. Colorado First in Nation to Enact Ridesharing Laws

2You’ve probably heard of ridesharing apps, such as Uber® or Lyft®; however, you’re probably not aware that Colorado is the first state in the country to legislatively authorize ridesharing companies. Ridesharing companies, or transportation network companies (TNCs), are becoming increasingly popular. The apps often provide cheaper means of transportation than a taxi by matching up a driver with a passenger in a local city. Read More →


  1. Roundup: Cancer-Causing Herbicide?

3Roundup® is the world’s most widely-used herbicide by volume and in the United States is the most popular weed and grass killer on the market. As far back as 1985 and more than 30 years ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warned that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, may cause cancer. Although several countries have banned or limited its use, in 1991, the EPA reversed its concerns and declared glyphosate safe for use. Read More →


  1. 2015 Top Attorneys in Colorado Springs

4McDivitt Law Firm would like to congratulate Mike McDivitt on being      chosen by his peers as one of Colorado Springs’ 2015 Top Attorneys. The entire list and attorney/firm biographies can be found in the January/February 2015 Colorado Springs Style magazine. Read More →


  1. What You Need to Know About Colorado Bicycle Laws

5Spring is in the air (for the most part), and that means it’s time to get out on your bicycle. Therefore, I thought it appropriate to discuss Colorado laws regarding bicycles. Colorado is well known for its avid bike riders, and it is important for us all to know the rules of the road as a bicyclist and as a driver. Bike riding is great for transportation, exercise, and as a means to explore Colorado. Read More →