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McDivitt 2015 Video PSA Contest Winner Is…

Congratulations to Daniel Armenta, a senior at Arvada West High School and a video production student at Warren Tech, for winning McDivitt Makes a Difference…

Congratulations to Daniel Armenta, a senior at Arvada West High School and a video production student at Warren Tech, for winning McDivitt Makes a Difference 2015 Video PSA contest! This year’s winning PSA focused on the dangers of texting and driving. We had a lot of great entries this year and were impressed by each entry’s ability to capture the dangers associated with distracted driving. Daniel’s PSA was chosen by a select team at McDivitt, including a video production specialist, and a team of advertising executives. The team felt that this PSA told an engaging story while dramatically showing the potential consequences of distracted driving. Daniel also cleverly incorporated the psychology of why we check out cell phones while driving, even though we know we shouldn’t. Daniel hopes that his video “will stop people from texting and driving” and that this video will help get the message out there about distracted driving.

Daniel’s PSA will air in Denver for two weeks starting May 4th. Daniel will also win a MacBook Pro with editing software. Additionally, Warren Tech will receive a monetary donation from McDivitt Law Firm. Daniel’s teachers applauded his initiative and creativity with the PSA video when McDivitt stopped by Daniel’s school to announce his win and provide him with his prize.

The goal of McDivitt Makes a Difference is to help keep our roads safe for everyone in the community, and we sincerely hope that Daniel’s amazing PSA will help others to drive distracted-free. Again, congratulations to Daniel and check out his PSA below!

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