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Marijuana Legalization Raises Questions about Impaired Driving in Colorado

Jan. 30, 2013 Marijuana legalization in Colorado has raised more questions as to how the drug can be properly regulated to keep its use as…

Jan. 30, 2013

Marijuana legalization in Colorado has raised more questions as to how the drug can be properly regulated to keep its use as safe as possible. One of those questions revolves around the issue of drugged driving, and when a person who has ingested marijuana is too impaired to be behind the wheel of a vehicle.

An article from explained that a bill has been introduced to the State Legislature that will establish a legal limit of five-nanograms of Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, per milliliter of blood for a motorist to have in their bloodstream at any given time.

The bill will also allow anyone who is charged for having THC levels above the five-nanogram limit to present evidence to the court that, despite being above the established impairment level, their driving skills were not affected. Some believe allowing this could open the door for alcohol-impaired drivers to make the same case in court.

While those in favor of the limits say the bill will help reduce the 13 percent of fatal Colorado Car Crashes involving the drug, others believe impairment from the drug is relative to the user.

The Denver Personal Injury Lawyers with McDivitt Law Firm say that, regardless of the law, it is imperative that no driver ever gets behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated in any way.

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