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The Insurance Company Wants Your Recorded Statement, Should You Give it?

You’re in a car accident and are injured. On top of coping with your injuries, you have to deal with the insurance company. You get…

You’re in a car accident and are injured. On top of coping with your injuries, you have to deal with the insurance company. You get a call from the insurance company asking for a recorded statement of what happened. That sounds intimidating, right? So, what should you do?

Should you give Insurance Company Recorded StatementWhy an Insurance Company wants a Recorded Statement

Insurance companies often want recorded statements for record keeping purposes. Doesn’t sound like a terrible reason, right? But if it is the defendant’s insurance company calling, then a recorded statement could be very problematic. The other driver’s insurance agency will probably be calling to scare or confuse you. Even more important they can use the statement you give against you in the future. The more inconsistencies they find in your statements, the better for them. A car accident can be a very harrowing experience, and dealing with an insurance company is an even bigger hassle.

What Should You Do

As you probably know, it is important to notify your insurance company as soon as possible after an auto accident. Your auto insurance coverage most likely requires you to cooperate with your insurance company, which may entail you providing a recorded statement to your insurance company. However, even though you are required to cooperate, that does not mean you have to give a recorded statement right away.   It is extremely helpful to consult with an experienced auto accident attorney before you make a statement. Your potential settlement offer will depend on what is provided to the insurance company, including any statements.

Now if the insurance company from the person who hit you wants a recorded statement—don’t give it. The insurance company wants this statement to use against you in the future. It is their way of reducing the amount of damages owed to you. The insurance company will likely be extremely aggressive trying to illicit the information they want. You should consider hiring an experience attorney like McDivitt Law Firm to assist you in dealing with both your insurance company and the defendant’s insurance company. The wrong statement made by you could end in a denial of your claim.

How an Attorney Can Help You

There are many positives in hiring an attorney to help you through your auto accident claim. While an experienced personal injury attorney can assist you with dealing with insurance companies, there are other aspects of your case in which an attorney is there to help relieve you from the stress of dealing directly with others. If any insurance company asks for a recorded statement, your best plan is to hire an attorney, and provide the insurance company with the firm’s name and your attorney’s name. The attorneys at McDivitt Law Firm work side-by-side with our clients providing the proper information to the insurance company, guiding clients through the entire process, and getting our clients the compensation they deserve. If you have been in an auto accident, contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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