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Fort Collins Jury Awards Woman $3.9 Million For Medical Mistake

A jury recently awarded a Fort Collins, Colorado, woman $3.9 million after a doctors mistake left her paralyzed….

May 4, 2012

A jury recently awarded a Fort Collins, Colorado, woman $3.9 million after a doctor’s mistake left her paralyzed. According to The Wall Street Journal, the payment was one of the largest of its kind in Colorado history.

Court documents show that the woman arrived at a local Fort Collins hospital in December 2006 complaining of weakness and dizziness combined with “the worst headache of her life.” Despite her blood pressure being dangerously high, the doctor who attended to the then 34-year-old woman concluded that it was just a migraine. He gave her some pain relievers and sent the woman on her way.

The woman was actually suffering from a mild brain bleed that would have been detected by a CT scan and was treatable with medication. The doctor’s misdiagnosis led to the woman becoming paralyzed on her right side after suffering a stroke.

The physician, who was required by law to carry medical malpractice insurance, asked his insurer to settle the case for $1 million; however, the insurance company refused and took the case before a jury. The $3.9 million ruling was the largest in Larimer County history.

Simply giving a patient a medication without a full and proper examination is often how a Colorado Drug Injury occurs. The Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers with the McDivitt Law Firm suggest always reading the warning labels and consulting with your pharmacist before taking any new medications.