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Firework Ban Issued for El Paso County, Colorado

Due to dry and fire-hazardous conditions in the Colorado Springs area, authorities have not issued any firework sales permits this year, and have instructed local…

July 4, 2011

Due to dry and fire-hazardous conditions in the Colorado Springs area, authorities have not issued any firework sales permits this year, and have instructed local fire departments to strictly enforce firework bans.

According to an article released by The Gazette last week, fireworks of any kind are illegal in the city, but non-exploding or flying devices have been allowed in areas outside city limits in years past. This year, due to severe drought conditions throughout the area, fireworks of any kind are banned within the county. A Colorado Springs Fire Department spokesperson stated that they will be monitoring for firework use and that anyone who is caught selling, using, or in possession of fireworks can face fines of $100. Also, anyone cited that is 10 years of age or older will be required to appear in court to handle the matter, rather than just mailing in the fine.

Authorities are encouraging citizens to enjoy one of the six public fireworks displays that were approved and received permits from the city. A list of the locations of these displays has been made available; however, the displays at Flying Horse Community and Sky Sox Field may be canceled due to a lack of water availability, unless fire conditions change.

The Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers with McDivitt Law Firm encourage everyone to practice safe habits over the holiday and obey all laws regarding firework safety.

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