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Attorneys Available Now

Does this sound like you?

"I don't know how I'm going to handle all this on my own. I could really use some help..."

With McDivitt Law Firm, you get to rest and recover because we handle everything for you.

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  • Find out if you have a case
  • Feel good about your future
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Get Ready to Relax, Recover & Get Paid...

McDivitt lawyers

Meet the McDivitts...

Since 1975, Colorado residents have benefited from the award-winning McDivitt personal injury lawyers.

With over 726 client reviews on Google, with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 -- it’s an easy choice to trust McDivitt Law Firm with your accident injury case.

A+ Rating
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Personal Injury Claim Money

Make Sure Insurance Pays You The Maximum Amount

After an accident, the insurance company will attempt to pay you as little as possible. They may even try to deny your claim entirely!

But with McDivitt, you can rest easy knowing the insurance company won't pull any tricks or get you to accept a fraction of the money you deserve.

Attorneys do eveyrthing for you

Your Stress... Gone.
We Handle The Hard Stuff

When you hire McDivitt, you instantly get an entire team that will manage all the hard stuff so you can rest and recover.

Let us handle the mountains of paperwork, discussions with insurance adjusters and negotiating payments for lost wages and medical treatments.

Car Accident Attorneys help Colorado residents

Never A Fee Until You Win, Guaranteed

Our law firm works on a "contingency basis" -- so if you don't win your case, you don't owe us a dime!

This means there are zero up-front costs and you never pay a fee to our firm until you win, guaranteed!

Colorado personal injury

Make Insurance Pay For ALL Medical Bills

Your road to recovery should not include having to fight with insurance to get your bills paid. Nor should you have to turn down top quality care because of costs.

With McDivitt Law Firm, you'll have attorneys that tell the insurance company what needs paid and when.

Car Accident Insurance Claim

Squeeze Every Benefit Out of Your Policy

Discover what additional benefits or coverages you are entitled to that insurance may not be telling you about -- or that isn't obvious in your policy.

We make sure every penny that you're entitled to is made available to you.

Denver personal injury insurance policy

Tap Into Additional Streams of Income

A lot of Colorado residents don't know that Personal Injury Protection (PIP) may be available as an additional revenue stream after an accident.

As a client, we will help you tap into these kinds of additional income streams while you are recovering.

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What You Can Expect...

Derek's McDivitt Experience

Derek was involved in a car accident and needed help. Listen as he shares his story and details his experience with the attorneys at McDivitt Law Firm.

Super Lawyers
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Unique Help For Every Type of Accident

Car accident lawyers

Car Accidents

When you've been injured in a car accident because of another driver. One of the most common types of accident injury cases we handle.

Truck accident lawyers

Truck Accidents

When you've been struck by a commercial vehicle, such as an 18-wheeler, truck or van, our truck accident lawyers can help you.

Motorcycle accident lawyer

Motorcycle Accidents

When you were struck on a motorcycle by another vehicle, our motorcycle accident lawyers help you recover maximum money damages.

Transit accident lawyer

Transit Accidents

If you were injured on a public transit bus, light rail or train, our transit accident lawyers handle these unique cases.

Bicycle accident lawyer

Bicycle Accidents

If you were struck on a bicycle and were injured, our bicycle accident lawyers can make sure you get compensated fairly.

Pedestrian accident lawyer

Struck Pedestrian

If you were struck as a pedestrian by a vehicle, our pedestrian accident lawyers can often recover significant money damages for your injuries.

Or call us right now!

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Help Through Difficult Times...

Carol's McDivitt Experience

Carol's husband John tragically lost his life in a bike accident. Listen to Carol share her story and describe how McDivitt was great help through their difficult times.

Top Personal Injury Lawyers Award
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Works on contingency

We Only Make Money
When You Do

Our law firm works entirely on "contingency" -- meaning we only make money when you do.

So there are never any upfront fees.

Convenient offices across Colorado

Convenient Offices Across Colorado

No matter where you live in Colorado, we have a convenient office and staff near you.

Our law firm has offices throughout the state, in Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo and Aurora.

We are also capable of handling your case start to finish remotely if you are unable to come into the office. And if would like to meet in person and cannot come to us, we will come to you!

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Get Your Free Legal Consultation Today:

  • Speak with our legal team
  • Get answers to all your questions
  • Find out if you have a case
  • Get actionable legal advice
  • Feel good about your options

It's risk free, so you have nothing to lose!

Or call us right now!