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Are Acts of Violence Covered by Colorado Workers’ Compensation Plans?

Feb. 13, 2013 Gun control is a hot topic across the United States, and many citizens are wondering what laws and policies are in place…

Feb. 13, 2013

Gun control is a hot topic across the United States, and many citizens are wondering what laws and policies are in place to keep them safe from violence while at work. An article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette discussed this issue, while also touching on the steps some businesses are taking to prevent such acts.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a total of 458 lives were lost in 2011 to workplace violence. These incidences accounted for nearly 20 percent of all workplace fatalities that occurred that year.

These acts of violence occur despite current legislation, like the Occupational Safety Health Act, which protects an employee’s right to a workplace free of hazards. The only good news is, when these acts do occur, the victims can often receive assistance through a Colorado Workers’ Compensation plan.

Colorado law requires most employers to purchase workers’ compensation insurance to cover costs in the event of an accident, and holds an employer responsible for a worker’s injuries in the event of an accident. Furthermore, an employer can face civil suits when acts of violence occur at the workplace for negligently hiring a dangerous individual or for not providing enough security or training to handle such an event.

The Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers with McDivitt Law Firm encourage anyone who has been harmed on the job through no fault of their own to discuss their legal rights with an attorney.