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David McDivitt:  Teamwork is another one of our core values.  And one of the reasons it is so important, especially for a law firm, is that you find a lot of lawyers go into the law because they have a unique skill set and they have a unique desire or an individual desire to help people, which is fantastic, but at our firm, we work as a team.  And our goal here is to provide a consistent level of representation for our clients.

Karen McDivitt:  When we’re clicking and working together, it all runs very smoothly.  When we’re not necessarily all in line with the same goal or something goes out of whack a little bit, the fact that we’re team members means we get together and we can hammer those issues out.

Cindy Sabbagh:  Teamwork is extremely important because if you have a case manager that is assigned to a case and they are out that day, teamwork is — is extremely important because when the client walks in the door and their — their check is here or they have a question, it’s very easy for another case manager to come in and answer that question for them.

Chicki Manalo:  Well, one of the things that benefits the client with having a team behind them is that, you know, instead of just having one person, they have all of these people supporting them.  They have all of these people who are looking at their case who are reviewing it to make sure that everything is getting done properly.  So it’s not just one set of eyes; it’s several sets of eyes.

Michael McDivitt:  And so when you do all of these things in the framework of an overall team that works together as one unit, we’ve become very powerful for that individual, more powerful than most firms can be because most law firms in the personal injury arena are really a collection of individual lawyers who have maybe their own individual case manager or paralegal.

And so you really just have a confederation of lawyers. In the McDivitt Law Firm, we have created a system, a team.  We are as one block.

David McDivitt:  It’s created an environment where it’s collaborative, we rely on each other, we need each other to — to work together for the betterment of our clients.  And so that we’ve — we can provide the best and be the legendary legal representation that we strive to do for our clients.  We can only do it because we work as a team.