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We are Proud to Now Offer a Formal Unpaid Internship

UCCS and PPCC College Internships

We are proud to now offer a formal unpaid internship with possible college credit each semester to a UCCS and/or PPCC student. This is an accredited internship through the school. This internship is offered by application only, to a student who desires to pursue a career in the legal industry.

During the student’s time at McDivitt Law Firm he or she will undergo formal training and shadowing of attorneys and paralegals to understand how to successfully represent individuals who have been injured in auto crashes and other types of personal liability cases. Interns may be offered job tasks working on an actual case or meeting with clients. Interns are considered Team Members during their internship and will attend firm meetings, and comply with all rules and procedures. At the end of the internship the student intern will present a “Learning Review” at a company luncheon. They will then receive a recommendation from Michael W. McDivitt, Esq., as well as, a video recording of their presentation.

How to apply

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a Resume, Letter of Intent and 2 Letters of Recommendation to: Lori Marin, Director of Training, at [email protected].

Eligible candidates may receive a telephone interview. Top candidates may be interviewed in person. One candidate will be selected for each UCCS Semester.